
Valve Reveals 13 Steam Machines Along With Partners, Specs & Prices.

Valve released the first partners, specs, and prices (ugh), behind 13 of the upcoming Steam Machine models yesterday at  CES 2014.  For those that don’t know, the Steam Machine is PC Gaming’s equivalent to a console, or at least that’s the plan if Valve have their way.  Let’s get right to the goods:

Partners: Alienware, Alternate, CyberpowerPC, Digital Storm, Falcon Northwest, GigaByte, iBuyPower, Materiel, Next, Origin, Scan, Webhallen, and Zotac.

The Machines range from affordable to “maybe if I sell my kidney”. Release dates haven’t been announced yet, but at least we have something to covet and complain about until then.

Do you any of these Steam Machines catch your eye?  Let us know in the comments below!

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