
Captain Canuck is Back this Canada Day and Coming to Toronto

I’m willing to bet a lot of you have heard the name Captain Canuck before but probably weren’t quite sure what it referred to. Hockey player? Old timey politician? A terribly nicknamed war hero?

canuck time

[Olympic mascot?]

No, Captain Canuck was, and is, a superhero, who was a big enough name in the day to make it to the cover of Time magazine as seen above. But more than that he’s our superhero as the Captain is as Canadian as a double-double at Tim’s (or an Iced Capp depending on the month) and he’s back in a brand new web series revival.

Beginning his career as a maple leaf emblazoned superhero way back in 1975, Captain Canuck entered into the realm of cult favourite some time ago as he’s only ever been published sporadically and has been out of print and out of our lives since 2005.

canuck deep

[Though he still manages to inspire some truly impressive fan art.]

That’s all changing this weekend however as the recently founded Captain Canuck Incorporated proudly presents Captain Canuck the Webseries.

canuck web

[His eyes glow now – this is as gritty as Canadian reboots get.]

Your first impulse may be to brush off a webseries as no big deal but this one has a few special qualities that are hard to ignore. Firstly, the majority of the project was funded by an IndieGogo campaign that made fundraising look easy and proved that CC (as his friends call him) has a lot more fans than it might seem possible.

Secondly, they lined up a stellar cast for this series! The great Canadian superhero deserves to be voiced by only the best Canadian acting talent and that’s exactly what he’s got. Starring in the series is Kris Holden Ried (Lost Girl, Underworld: The Awakening), Paul Amos (Lost Girl, Warehouse 13), Laura Vandervoot (Smallville, Bitten) and finally the woman many consider the breakout Canadian star of the year, Orphan Black’s Tatiana Maslany. With a cast like that and the funding and fan base to back it up, it won’t be surprising to see this web series become a hit.

If you want to join in on the action and fun of Captain Canuck you better hope you live in Toronto as the first episode is being screened live at the Silver Snail this Canada Day, complete with giveaways and special appearances by the cast and crew. The event is free, meaning there is literally no reason to miss it, and all the information you need can be found at the official Facebook event page. If you’re not in Toronto you can check out the trailer for now and visit the official Captain Canuck page on July 1st to catch the premiere of the series.

canuck event

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