
Take note, Hollywood: Wonder Woman is flippin’ kickass!

I love Wonder Woman. I wish that I was Diana Prince, flying around in my invisible airplane, lassoing gross dudes and stopping them from committing crimes, wearing my fabulous patriotic one-piece all while being nearly unstoppable. But, apparently, Hollywood execs fail to see how awesome I woul—um, I mean, how awesome it would be to see a strong, confident, Amazonian superhero goddess soar across the silver screen.

Lucky for us, independent production company, Rainfall Films, decided to step up and show those dried-up old Hollywood execs “what’s what” with this fabulous short film, depicting Diana killing golems and beating up street thugs. The cosplay in this is to die for and the cinematography is beautiful, considering it is an independent short.

There are lots of haters out there “poo pooing” this short for not being “good enough” but they can all suck an egg because I flippin’ love it.


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