
World of Warcraft Movie May Actually Happen

The MMO-RPG community has been buzzing about the World of Warcraft movie’s projected start date. The producer, Charles Roven (who has produced a crap-load of awesome movies, and seems to be attached to the recently announced Uncharted movie) is on record for stating that shooting will begin ‘first quarter 2014’.

If you aren’t obsessive (like me) and know nothing of this WoW based movie, it is being produced and funded by by Legendary Pictures, as well as Blizzard Entertainment, Atlas Entertainment and Warner Bros. Chris Metzen is personally attached to this project as well, which puts my mind at ease.

I’m not the biggest fan of movie adaptations, possibly because I despise (and will never enter) a movie theatre, or because I am just a cranky recluse. You can imagine my immediate panic when I caught wind of the WoW movie idea. There are no plot releases yet but I have an awful, awful feeling that this movie will be centred around the Alliance and their pathetic leader Varian Wrynn. (Can you tell I hate the Alliance?) Since Metzen is passionate about this fantasy world he created, it goes without saying that this movie will be incredibly lore accurate. It is also known that Metzen has a perma-boner for Thrall, so it’s almost guaranteed he will be in the movie somehow.

Maybe the movie will be centred around the ‘Chronicles of War’ novels: Rise of the Horde, The Last Guardian, Tides of Darkness, and Beyond the Dark Portal. Showcasing the origins of the war between the Alliance and the Horde, and the rich history that sparked the creation of each faction.
It will be fairly awesome if the movie ends up being about the Old Gods, since Yogg-Saron, C’Thun and N’Zoth would look fairly badass on screen.

If you have any plot predictions, list them in the comments. I’d love to hear them.

Keep your fingers crossed that filming will actually start Q1 of 2014 (and the movie will be released 2015).

(via: IMDB, Gamespot, and WoWwiki)

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