
WATCH: Ronald D. Moore’s “Helix” Gets its First Trailer

The first trailer for Ronald D. Moore’s new series for SyFy,  “Helix” has hit the interwebs.

In case you’re not up to date on the latest in RDM scoop, Helix is about:

A team of scientists investigating a possible disease outbreak at an Arctic research facility who find themselves trying to protect the world from annihilation.

Sounds awesome, right? The trailer has a very clean, minimalist look as we get a glimpse of a snowy landscape and a pristine research facility where – if my assumptions are correct – some sort of hell will be breaking loose. If this is indicative of the style of the series it will be a significant departure from the dirt and grit of Battlestar Galactica – not that there’s a problem with that. Other than the distinct  stylistic attributes prominent in Battlestar, RDM created compelling complex interpersonal relationships and larger societal dilemmas that really made the show outstanding.

Since the launch of Defiance last night (read my review of the pilot!) BSG was the last ambitious science fiction project on Syfy. I think I can safely speak for many when I say I am thrilled to see the channel moving back in this direction.

The series planned to debut sometime later this year – mysterious!

What the trailer and let us know what you think in the comments.

(via Blastr)


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