
Watch the first 5 minutes of BioShock Infinite Burial at Sea DLC

Warning: The video contains spoilers, as does the content below.

Irrational Games has released the first five minutes of BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea (First Episode). The release date for the first episode DLC has not been written in stone although it will be available sometime later this year.

Burial at Sea takes original BioShock fans back to ground-zero–Rapture, that is. Booker and Elizabeth meet right on the night of the underwater city’s demise. Burial at Sea has a noir detective feel, sending you on a mission to save a certain little girl (sound familiar?). The first episode will put you in Booker’s shoes and the second episode will give you Elizabeth’s perspective.

Amanda Jeffrey said episode one will be about Booker “going head to head with his enemy” whereas the second episode will be about Elizabeth “[taking] things more from the side view.” Expanding upon Elizabeth’s newly discovered ability at the end of BioShock Infinite (tears), Ken Levine said: “I will say, though, that Elizabeth and her tear abilities are not necessarily a ‘win button.’ She has an understanding of this universe and the various universes that she can visit, and she knows, once again, constants and variables. There are some things that she can change, and some things that just won’t make a difference if she changes them or not.” Ken Levine summarized Elizabeth’s in-story experience as a “survival horror game.”

If their sharing history gives us any real clue, you should keep your eyes peeled for some episode two teasers from Infinite Games in the upcoming months.

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