Geek Art

Video Game Avengers Assemble! Videogame + Avengers Mashups

It’s been a while since we posted a cool mash-ups gallery so when I saw this one I just HAD to feature it here on GEEKPR0N. I absolutely LOVE how these turned out! They just work so well. Is it just me or does Captain Shepard look how Cap’s armor SHOULD look? Badass.

These great entry into our geek art section is brought to you by the talented Obi-Rus Kenobi – fellow gaming nerd, pop culture fanatic, trekker, and graphic designer. Anyone that lists Appleseed among their favorite movies is cool in my books! Make sure to check out his other sites too for more awesome art:,

Source: Obi-Rus Kenobi Tumblr

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2 Comments on Video Game Avengers Assemble! Videogame + Avengers Mashups

  1. Obi-Rus Kenobi

    Awesome thanks for the re-post! If it’s cool I made your site a featured link on my blog too! Great site! Should have some new stuff soon too! =)

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