
Veronica Mars: Three Seasons…and a fan funded movie!

Veronica Mars (the movie) release date is a mere 364 days after the Kickstarter campaign launched, being March 14, 2014.

Show creator, Rob Thomas, and star, Kristen Bell, received the studio’s blessing to try a crowd source campaign and prove there was enough fan support to justify a feature film. And prove it they did! They met their original goal of two million dollars in a mere 11 hours.The campaign broke other records as well including fastest project to reach one million dollars, then to reach two million. By the end of the the thirty days, they had reached over $5.7 million, or 285% of the original two million dollar goal.

The campaign also had the most backers, at 91,585, in Kickstarter history. It took part of the campaign to figure out the mechanics, but in the end they had backers in 21 countries. For the past few months those backers have been receiving their rewards. But the biggest reward is that not only has Warner Bros. announced the movie release date, but has also confirmed a much wider release than Thomas originally hoped.

So it’s the final countdown to the high school reunion that thousands have put their money where their hearts were to see. The following clip confirms that Neptune’s troublesome trio is back in town and the SDCC Sneak Peek, showed how many of the original cast would be joining them. Both clips also show the same snarky smart writing that made us fall in love in the first place.

In a tweet dated December 4th, Rob Thomas stated “3/14 is sometimes called pi day. Next year, it will also be P.I. day. #VeronicaMarsMovie” Coming full circle is clearly something this team excels at.

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