Geek Art

Artist Interview: Bowman

Contributed by Vana Glory

If you haven’t been paying attention, which I highly doubt, GEEKPR0N is hosting the official Toronto ComiCON Kick-Off Party this Friday March 9th, 2012 at Tattoo Rock Parlour featuring a few amazing special guests!!!  Among these guests is Toronto based artist/illustrator Bowman, who I was lucky to squeeze in an exclusive interview with a mere few days before the big event! You may have already seen his work on album covers, band posters, t-shirts, or maybe even in the artist alley at last year’s FanExpo.  Bright, bold and often tongue-in-cheek, Bowman’s work is as captivating as he is.

For those of you going to the Kick-Off Party, Bowman will be painting live from approximately 10pm – 2am on the main floor for all to see. At the end of the night the piece will be given away to one lucky attendee courtesy of Bowman himself and GEEKPR0N!
Warning:  I may or may not fight the winner for said painting after the event….  kidding!  ( ………or am I?)

….and on that note, I’m pleased to present you with.. the interview.

Vana : Describe yourself in three words.
Bowman : I’m an Honest Ghettolicious Dudebox.

V : Are you a dog person or cat person?
B : Allergic to both. Cats are territorial drama queens. Would rather hang out with a retarded 5 year old that eats its own shit than be owned by a useless fur ball any day.

V : What art would I find on your walls/shelves?
B : Hacker, Kennedy, Irvine, Elliot, Playdead and a lot of my unfinished work. I’ve got a great poster collection that needs frames one day.

V : When did you first know about your creative talents?
B : I remember having a chalk board at my nana’s house that I did a Obi Wan vs Darth on when I was 3 or 4. It sucked, but looked like what it was supposed to be. It was just something I did.

V : Did you get any formal/informal training? How did that influence you?
B : I attended Classical Animation at Sheridan College in 99′. It showed me the ropes and I took the cell animation process of line and colour fill on opposite sides of the acetate and implemented that concept into my glass paintings. Learned about layering and focal points.

V : What work (subject/style) do you most like to create?
B : I’m finding myself gravitating more to digital art. My glass paintings are fun to do and the results are cool but they are time consuming and until finished very fragile.

V : Where/who do you get your inspiration from?
B : Old magazines, National Geographic, old Playboy print ads. Anything pre 80’s. Movies and music have always been a big influence. Illustrations of the 60’s.

V : Do you do commission work? How about drawing a tattoo design for someone?
B : I am always open to commission work. Besides storyboards that is where I find most of my work. Freelance.

V : If you had a time machine, what would you do?
B : Kill teenaged Hitler and go back in time and give myself some sound advice.

V : If you were a superhero, what would your name be and what would your costume look like?
B : Gary Speedbag. Awesome but no cape

V : Do you read comic books?
B : Not since the Maxx

V: When did you start reading?
B : Childhood

V : Do you happen to collect at all? If so what?
B : Mainly X men, Amazing Spider Man, Maxx, Hellboy, some Batman novels.

V : What are your favourite comic artists (pencil, ink and/or colour) and why?
B : Keith, Mignola, Charest, Crumb, Adams, Frazetta, Lee were big influences. Rockwell. Have always been inspired by the great pin up artists and illustrations from the 60’s.

V : Do you enjoy cinema?
B : When the kid next to me isn’t texting. Yes. Sometimes.

V : What genres are you into?
B : Comedy, Sci Fi, Horror and Thrillers

V : Name your favourite director(s)/actor(s).
B : Coen Brothers, Kubrick, Fincher, Anderson

V : What is/are your favourite movie(s) of all time and right now?
B : Empire Strikes Back, Raising Arizona – Anything Coen related, Something Wicked This Way Comes, Batman Dark Knight, Half Baked, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rango, Hotfuzz, Fletch, Airplane, new Star Trek and James Bond.

V : Do you cosplay any characters?
B : No, that’s my brothers department.

V : What are your interests outside of creating art?
B : Writing and playing music. Being a Broke Ass Rockstar.

V : How do you feel about the current state of art culture?
B : I think if Illustrator wasn’t created Art would be on a different path. Oversaturated perhaps. What I’ve seen recently is amazing, though. A lot of unbelievable talent out there.

V : What is your stance on technology and art (i.e.:tablets, scanning copies, sharing through the internet, etc)?
B : I have tennis elbow from anything computer related right now. Lol. It’s part of the creative process and is a huge asset if you can adapt. I’d be lost without my computer and trinkets.

V : Do you have any advice for aspiring artists?
B : Seriously think about whether you really want to do this for a living or if it’s just something you wanted to go to school for. If you don’t see the potential in your own work already, maybe this lifestyle isn’t for you. Don’t stop what you are doing. You will never grow unless you want to. Learn everything you can about your trade. Anatomy. Perspective. Experiment. Learn from your mistakes, be nice and try to be on time. Be open to change, advice and criticism and try not to take it personally. Chances are you needed to hear it.

V : Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
B : I try not to waste energy on worrying about the future, anymore. I know that if I keep doing what I am doing I will be fine. Ups and downs and Ins and Outs – that’s where I see myself. Hopefully somewhere overseas.

V : Can you talk about what we’ll be seeing from you in the next little while? Shows coming up, etc?
B : Spacejugs II is my next project. It’s a follow up to a show I did at Omy Gallery (Toronto) in 2006 as well as a much needed purging of Star Wars related concepts and designs. Will be releasing a series of T Shirts to accompany it. No idea when or where yet. Sometime this year and hopefully soon. It’s going to be fun and all retro and cool. Been meaning to do a fashion related model series for many years.

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