
New Transformers 4 trailer! Now with more GRIMLOCK!!

Imma keep this short…. GRIMLOCK!

That’s really all you need to know…  just watch the Transformers 4 trailer above. Don’t worry, I’ll wait….

Ok, so sure, there’s lots of other stuff. Some guy named Mark Walberg…and Stanley Tucci (yay!)… But it’s really all about the DINOBOTS.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the transformers do indeed look less razor-bladey, but the Dinobots STILL DO. I guess Michael Bay wanted to have his weird ass designs in their somewhere. It works though.

I did promise I’d keep this short. So go back up and rewatch the trailer. Go ahead and fast forward to 2:12 and watch Grimlock again in all his glory. You know you want to…

Transformers: Age of Extinction hits theatres June 27th, 2014

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