
Top 5 Bits of Geeky Casting Greatness on Arrow

You may have already heard that Summer Glau (River Tam, Sarah Connor, Prima Ballerina) has been added to the cast of Arrow for next season. As legions of Glau fans, myself included, cry out in glee and excitement into the interwebs, you have to admit this piece of casting news is hardly a surprise. As Arrow quickly approaching camp-levels of self-awareness in its casting choices it only makes sense that they’ve wrangled sci-fi staple Glau into a role.

I can only imagine the casting folks over at Arrow sit in a room all day befitted in Browncoat tee’s sipping from TARDIS mugs and Game of Thrones steins dreaming up a wonderful wishlist of all their favourite sci-fi and fantasy stars then seeing you who they can get. So far they’ve been killing it.

John Barrowman – this seemingly ageless mega-geek who for many fans has become one with his Doctor Who/Torchwood character Captain Jack Harkness barely looks old enough to be Tommy Merlyn’s dad (it is the CW after all), but it hardly matters because when Barrowman does his best evil impression and smolders up the screen as per usual.

James Callis – as a huge fan of Gaius Balter, the hopelessly narcissistic doctor with the strongest sense of self-preservation in the BSG ‘verse I was incredibly excited to Callis back on the small screen playing a proper baddie – or really on the screen at all doing something fun. Alas, discovering that Tori would be guesting on the same episode only barely registered. Not my top choice for a BSG reunion but it sufficed.

Seth Gabel – I can’t say that Lincoln Lee was my favourite part of Fringe because Anna Torv exists, but Seth Gabel ranks high up there on the list of amazing Fringe things. Lincolns from both sides [MOAR]. And then he comes back to life on Arrow, swooping in as the crazy, drug addled count for a two-episode arc and it was amazing. This is a new side to Gabel that I would love to see more of in season 2 *fingers crossed*


Alex Kingston – is this the Who-reunion we were looking for? Maybe not exactly. Seeing Kingston play American took some getting used to but it was a treat to see her gallivanting around in this weird TV universe where sci-fi stars populate Starling City.

alex kingston on arrow

I know I said 5 but really, in this sci-fi star playground did you really think I’d stick to it? I’ll squeeze two more into this last spot.  David Anders (Alias, Heroes, The Vampire Diaries, Once Upon a Time) and Farscape star Ben Browder who has also recently guest starred on Doctor Who and Chuck!

arrow david anders ben browder

Now that Glau is lined up for next season who else would you like to see pop-up on Arrow?

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3 Comments on Top 5 Bits of Geeky Casting Greatness on Arrow

  1. I just followed you everywhere, because you seem to love Arrow and because I like this article 😀
    Anyway, I have no idea who else, but I can’t wait for Summer Glau to appear in the new season. I kinda like her. A lot 😀 Did anyone else notice that she mentions indirectly her before movies activity, ballet? She was exercising in Terminator and also in The Cape. I need to see more of her in other shows tho.

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