
This Music Video Is Out Of This World – Literally

Chris Hadfield, the first Canadian commander of the International Space Station has decided to accomplish one last social media feat before returning to earth; cover David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ – from where else? Space.

This is the first ever music video recorded from space, and Chris floats 230 miles above the Earth to bring us his heartfelt rendition of the song that was first released in 1969 during the Apollo expedition. Gone is the detachment of Major Tom who floated in “a most peculiar way” with nothing he could do, to Commander Chris’ triumphant reworking of the lyrics to, “nothing left to do.”

Chris has been exciting us on Earth about space via Twitter since he first took post on the ISS, and did not want to disappoint for his grand finale. Anyone wanna Tweet back at him and ask for an encore?

SOURCE: Pitchfork

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