
They’re not done yet… The Muppets spoof The Hunger Games [Trailer]

Keeping with their theme of spoofing popular movie trailers, The Muppets take on The Hunger Games in their latest minute long spot for their DVD/Blu-Ray release. Trailers for the theatrical release spoofed hits including Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Green Lantern, The Muppets would be remiss to pass up on the opportunity to parody the movie with the biggest promotional push so far in 2012.

The trailer, entitled “Feel The Hunger”, mimics the burning Mockingjay logo replacing it with an encircled Muppets “M” gone up in flames. The music and style of the trailer is similar to that of The Hunger Games but luckily we don’t have to see our favourite Muppets pitted against each other in a battle to the death. That might be another movie for another time.

Watch the trailer below, and may the odds be ever in your favour

What do you think of the newest Muppets spoof?  Which Muppets would you cast in the Hunger Games? I think Miss Piggy make a wonderful Effie Trinket.

The Muppets will be released on DVD and Blu-Ray March 20th, The Hunger Games is in theatres March 23rd.

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