
The Walking Dead: Here’s a Recap of the Second Part of Season 5!

AMC’s hit series, The Walking Dead, is set to air it’s 90-minute season 5 finale Sunday, March 29th.

If you don’t have time to sit through 15 hours of The Walking Dead on AMC, don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. [Click here] to read the first part of season 5. Keep reading on for the second part of the season!



5.9 | What Happened and What’s Going On

Still reeling from Beth’s death at Grady, Rick, Tyreese, Glenn and Michonne accompany Noah back to his home in Richmond, Virginia. Once they get there, they find out that the walled community had been overrun by walkers and that no survivors were left causing Noah to break down at the loss of his family. Noah runs to his home followed by Tyreese who starts examining the rest of the house. In Noah’s brothers’ room, Tyreese is bitten by one of Noah’s brothers, who has now turned into a walker.

While Noah goes to call for help, Tyreese begins hallucinating and imagines conversations between Martin, Bob, The Governor, Mika, Lizzie and Beth. Elsewhere, Michonne convinces Rick to take everyone to Washington, in hope they finally find shelter there. Just then, Noah’s screams are heard by the group and he leads them back to Tyreese. With the help of Rick and Glenn, Michonne cuts off Tyreese’s infected arm.


As they head back to meet the rest of the group, Tyreese succumbs to his injuries.

5.10 | Them

During the group’s journey’s to Washington, their van breaks down, forcing them to travel the rest of the way on foot. Exhausted, the group begins to question their chances of survival. Sasha, still reeling from the loss of Bob and now her brother, Tyreese, begins to lash out on walkers. Michonne warns her that if she continues her recklessness, she could end up just like Tyreese. Despite Carol’s assurance, a guilty Daryl begins on self-inflicting pain.

The group later comes across water bottles, supposedly left by a “friend”. Thinking it’s a trap, the group refuses the water bottles and continues towards a barn that Daryl had come across. The group spends the night in the barn but is awoken when a group of walkers attempt to make their way inside. The following morning, the thunderstorm and the resulting debris have impaled many of the walkers.


Maggie and Sasha decide to head out to watch the sunrise when they’re approached by a man named Aaron, who asks to speak to Rick.

5.11 | The Distance

Maggie and Sasha take Aaron back to speak to Rick and informs him of his community, Alexandria. Like many others before who have promised a similar sanctuary, Aaron is immediately met with distrust from most of the group.

Aaron, now tied up by the group, reveals one other person who had gone with him to recruit and informs everyone of two vehicles nearby that are large enough to bring everyone to Alexandria. As the group ventures out later that evening, they come across trouble when the route they had taken becomes crowded with walkers.


After a brief scuffle with the walkers, Rick, Aaron, Michonne and Glenn meet up with the rest of the group, now including Aaron’s partner, Eric. The following morning, they venture off towards Alexandria, arriving at its closed gates.


5.12 | Remember

Rick and the group successfully arrive in Alexandria and are immediately asked to surrender their weapons. The group also meets Deanna, the leader of Alexandria, who begins to film interview with each of the group’s members


Rick warns Deanna to be wary of strangers coming into their community while Carol acts weak to fool Deanna and the rest of the community. Although the group is given separate houses, Rick tells them to stay together at least for the first night. The group begins to clean themselves up, including Rick who shaves his beard and gets his hair cut from Jessie, an Alexandria resident.

6-23-Rick-Shaving 7-20-Rick-Haircut

During a supply run, Tara is nearly killed by a walker because of the Alexandria group’s recklessness. This causes an argument between Glenn and Aiden, Deanna’s son, upon their arrival back to Alexandria. Deanna breaks up the fight and later thanks Glenn for knocking her son on his ass. As a sign of trust, Deanna appoints Rick and Michonne as the constables of Alexandria. Later at night, Rick meets with Carol and Daryl and agree that if Alexandria cannot take care of themselves, Rick’s group will take over.

5.13 | Forget

Suffering from PTSD, Sasha wanders outside the gates of Alexandria to hunt walkers. Elsewhere, Rick, Daryl and Carol are planning to retrieve their weapons in the armory in case they may need it on short notice.

Sasha returns to Alexandria and requests Deanna to make her the lookout in the bell tower but is rejected stating that they don’t need someone there. Later that evening, the rest of the community have planned a party for Rick and the group. At the party, Rick meets Deanna’s husband Reg and Jessie’s husband, Pete. Daryl, refusing to attend the party, is invited to Aaron’s house where he, Aaron and Eric eat for dinner. Aaron takes Daryl to his garage and shows him a motorcycle that Aaron wants Daryl to fix. He also tells him that he wants Daryl to accompany him during recruits as Daryl “can tell the good guys from the bad guys”.

Meanwhile, Carol has managed to sneak out of the party and into the armory to gather weapons but is seen by Jessie’s son, Sam. She threatens to have him killed if he reveals her secret to anyone. Back at the party, Sasha begins to feel anxious around the Alexandria group and lashes out at a resident over a superficial concern.

5.14 | Spend

In the early morning, Noah meets with Reg and expresses his desire to learn how to build so that they can further improve Alexandria’s walls. Later that day, Noah, Glenn, Eugene, Tara, Nicholas and Aiden prepare for another supply run. Aiden finds himself cornered by an armoured walker and accidentally shoots the grenade attached to its vest, causing it to explode.


Meanwhile, Abraham accompanies a construction crew as they help fortify the walls. They find themselves surrounded by walkers causing most of the group to fall back but Abraham rescues one of the group members and eliminates more of the herd. Abraham begins to take charge of the construction crew with it’s former leader returning to Deanna and stepping down from the position. Deanna begins to notice that most of Rick’s group have now set themselves in charge of various activities in Alexandria.

Back at the warehouse, the resulting explosion knocks Tara unconscious and impales Aiden on a set of steel pipes. Unable to save him, the rest of the group are forced to leave him at the hands of the walkers.


While attempting to escape, Nicholas, Glenn and Noah find themselves trapped in a revolving door surrounded by walkers. Nicholas manages to escape, deserting Glenn and Noah. The walkers manage to grab a hold of Noah’s leg and pull him towards them, tearing him apart while Glenn watches in horror.13-10-Noah-Dead

As Nicholas heads back to the van, Glenn catches up and knocks him out. Glenn and Eugene carry him into the back with an unconscious Tara and head back to Alexandria.

Back at Alexandria, Fr. Gabriel confronts Deanna and warns her that Rick and his group are dangerous, unaware that Maggie has been listening the entire time. Elsewhere, Carol becomes suspicious of Jessie’s husband Pete and concludes that he has been hurting both Jessie and her sons. Carol approaches Rick and tells him that he has no choice but to kill Pete.

5.15 | Try

Deanna and her family are mourning Aiden’s death from the previous episode while Deanna sits and re-watches the interview between her and Nicholas, who blames Glenn and Noah of Aiden’s demise. Meanwhile, Glenn tells his side of the story to Rick causing tension and divide between the Alexandria group and Rick’s group.

During their run, Daryl and Aaron come across dismembered limbs and a woman tied to a tree bearing a “W” carved into her forehead. Carl continues to follow Enid outside Alexandria’s walls and they bond over shared losses and similar experiences.

Having heard enough of Pete’s actions towards his own family, he confronts Deanna and tells her to either separate him for Jessie and her sons or to exile him. Deanna, who knows about Pete’s actions, explains to Rick that she cannot have Pete harmed because he’s the only doctor in the community.

Rick, taking the matters into his own hands, approaches Jessie who admits that Pete has been harming her and her family. Rick promises to protect her and her sons just as Pete walks in. The two quickly get into an argument which draws the attention of the entire town. With Pete unconscious, Rick draws his gun with Deanna demanding him to stand down. Rick begins berating the community, telling them they’re weak and not prepared to face the world outside the walls. To prevent him from begin exiled, Michonne knock him out.

The 90-minute season five finale of The Walking Dead premieres on Sunday, March 29th on AMC!

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