The Walking Dead Welcome to the Tombs Reviews

The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale: The G33KPRON Staff React

It’s safe to say that the the majority of us GEEKPR0N folks are loyal viewers of The Walking Dead, readers of the comics, or both. That being said read on with caution, this post contains spoilers for The Walking Dead TV show to date and a very vague reference to the comics.

After a rocky sophomore season, we were optimistic when the third season kicked off this past September with a stunningly beautiful, poignant, and of course gory “Seed”. The first half of the season continued to kick ass keeping a good pace mixing believable conflict within the group and within the characters themselves, balanced with the external threats of both other humans and the ever-present walkers.

The highs of this season that extend all the way through to the end certainly outweigh some of the more problematic moments where the WTF was probably not the reaction they were looking for. On top of “Seed”, this season boasts excellent episodes including the haunting “Clear”, and the continued evolution of excellent characters and the untimely and well executed (forgive me) deaths of others.

But when it came down to the finale, most of us here at GEEKPR0N were at a loss. The Walking Dead had built up so much in terms of stakes and character and we mostly felt let down. Andrea got a relatively good end to her story. There were so many key issues that were just left hanging. We got absolutely no closure on the Governor, no big stare-down between our so called hero and villain of the season and many of our secondary characters were given very little to do.

Personally, there are some amazing relationship dynamics I would love to have seen receive more attention (or in a future season); Carol and Daryl had very interesting relationship as they grew to be more independent from their abusers by supporting one another,  Glenn and Maggie’s relationship struggles as their traumatic experiences pulled them apart, Carl’s grief, Michonne in general, just to name a few.

But enough about what I think.  Here’s a peek into what we’re talking about:

Sunday Afternoon, Pre-“Welcome to the Tombs” Viewing:

The Bearded Lady: Alright, because I want it written down somewhere and I know you guys can appreciate guesses. Here’s my death watch for tonight’s Walking Dead…Hershel, Beth, Carol, Judith, Martinez, Milton, and Phillip. Everybody else is pretty much safe.

Karinna: Too bad Andrea isn’t on there…although I doubt they’ll kill her off. Unfortunately.

The Bearded Lady: I don’t see her dying just yet.  Now if they decide to keep Phillip around for another season, then Judith will probably be safe simply because I can see them having him kidnap her to replace Penny.

Laura: These people and Andrea are on my list.

The Bearded Lady: Andrea is a tough call. Her and Carol are the last of Darabont’s regulars still in the cast. However if Judith does die, it’ll be in either Carol or Beth’s arms when they get shot.

Sara: If the Governor doesn’t get killed I’m going to be very disappointed. I used to have no love for Andrea – still not my favourite but she’s gotten much better. I would LOVE for Carol to stick around. She’s become amazing!

Post-“Welcome to the Tombs” Viewing:

Karinna: Oh!!! SHIIIIIIIT. So great yet disappointing at the same time.

Laura: I was hoping for a more climactic ending. But I’m satisfied.

Sara: I’m NOT! I am somewhat satisfied with the Andrea thing – inevitable and played well. Most other parts it went beyond the WTF total bananas factor and then was mega anti-climactic.

Maybe… maybe if Beth pulled out the guitar and we had a sing-along. MAYBE!

Laura: I’m satisfied Andrea is over with. But you’re right – I was hoping for a cliff-hanger.

The Bearded Lady: Given how it ended in the comics that was a big let down of an ending. Part of what made The Governor such an imposing figure was how he was able to manipulate those who supported him. With him mowing down  half the population and the rest in the prison with Rick, he’s effectively been neutered.

I’m sure he’ll be back to terrorize them next season, but there’s no believable way he’ll be able to put together another army/Woodbury. Now it’s just him, Martinez and Not-T-Dogg.

J3SS: OK, you wanna know what really grinds my gears? THE HESITATION! Do you know how many damn times I coulda shot the Governor? END THAT FUCKER! What the hell!  I was actually yelling at the TV last night.

G33KB0T: She really was. What a disappointing ending. I was really hoping for some sort of cliffhanger with the Governor and why wouldn’t Rick take over Woodbury instead of bringing them back to the insecure prison?

Laura: RIGHT? They have houses in Woodbury.

The Bearded Lady: Worst part. Lets bring a bus full of people, but leave behind all the food and supplies. Not to mention the vehicles (including one with a big gun on it).

J3SS: One thing I don’t like about this show, most of the characters are stupid. Yet, they continue to live.

**note: G33KB0T insisted I include this transcription of  J3SS during The Walking Dead finale.**


J3SS: OMG I was SO mad. And you know whose fault it is? Dale. Had he let that asshole Andrea kill herself back at the CDC, none of this would have happened.

Sara: Does anyone have feelings about how Carl’s cold heart has hardened? Maybe on the path to become what the governor has?

The Bearded Lady: Ya, let’s also put up a major plot point that had major overarching effects on character development, then shove it under the rug.

Laura: Carl is far more damaged than Rick wants to even consider. He’s so far gone.

The Bearded Lady: I’m guessing this was his “killing the twin” moment

And a few stray thoughts on Andrea and Carl from the season and the finale:

J3SS: I was yelling at the TV when she had the knife and didn’t kill him in “I Ain’t Judas”.

Sara: Ugh, yes – me too. What I loved about that too was that it was CAROL’s plan. CAROL! She is the undercover bad ass.

J3SS: Yeah I LOVE LOVE her

Sara: It’s part of why her and Daryl are BFFs

J3SS: I like Andrea, I just wish they wrote her… smarter

Sara: Andrea used to make me cringe, then she became competent and the problem was in the writing, we were given very little information about her POV and internal conflict, or we were but it didn’t translate. I think if her character was better written we would be seeing the inner conflict when she doesn’t kill the Governor and maybe sympathize a little more instead of yelling at her through the screen.

J3SS: I can kinda see Carl’s train of thought [when he shot the child-soldier from Woodbury].  I don’t agree with it, but I understand why he thought it was the right thing to do

Sara: He’s damaged. It’s so tragic. It’s partially his mom’s death, the whole zombie apocalypse thing, and the way his dad went bananas in his grief not trusting anyone (see: kicking out Tyreese, Sasha & co.)

And that about wraps it. What conversation were you having after the season finale? What do you think we’ll see in season 4?

Photo courtesy of Gene Page/AMC

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1 Comment on The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale: The G33KPRON Staff React

  1. backlyt

    How come Daryl is the only intelligent and not annoying character on this show. AT least they’re smarter than most people in zombie movies…

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