
The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale Sneak Peek

The third season of The Walking Dead comes to a close tonight with “Welcome to the Tombs”.

In this sneak peek of tonight’s episode Carl remembers what life was like before the apocalypse.

This season had its ups and downs, though its inconsistency during the lows were more than made up for by some amazingly well done high points including the season premiere “Seed”, which at the time I called a series high, and the minimalism of “Clear”. Tonight I expect it will all pay off.

What did you think of season three? What are you hoping to see tonight in the finale?

The Walking Dead “Welcome to the Tombs” airs tonight at 9 on AMC – itching to get your fix early? AMC is playing a Walking Dead Marathon all day long!

Photo courtesy of Gene Page/AMC

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