
The Walking Dead “Home Sweet Home”: A Change of Pace [Review]

Last week’s episode of The Walking Dead left me screaming at the television and throwing pillows (as well as a few f*** bombs) across the room.

In other words, it was one of the greatest episodes we’ve seen this season.

I’ll be honest. The midseason premiere had me worried. I, just like every other Walking Dead fan, had been counting down the days, anxiously waiting for the zombie apocalypse to return to the television screen. Sadly, as the episode progressed I became concerned about the show’s momentum…and its irrational decision to make Daryl leave the group while including huge doses of Andrea (which has been occurring way too frequently this entire season). I had my hopes set rather high, ready to once again feel the whirlwind of emotions that the show usually brings to the table. However, after it was over I couldn’t help but feel a tad bit disappointed.

“Home Sweet Home” had the show running back like a sorry ex-boyfriend, apologizing for its mistakes, making me relive those precious moments of excitement that we used to share together, giving me hope that it would never again let me down.

The episode takes off with Rick continuing his stroll through crazyland, following hallucinations of his dead wife to the other side of the prison’s safety gates. He wanders absentmindedly through the zombie-infested forest, explaining to Hershel that he’s trying to gather some sort of meaning to his visions. He’s clearly “doing stuff.”


Rick isn’t the only one having issues. Glenn is still heavily disturbed by the Governor’s assault on both himself and Maggie. He sees Rick’s falling out as an opportunity to step up as the leader, but, more importantly, to seek revenge. We see a small argument break out between him and Hershel, who attempts to be the voice of reason while Glenn openly shares his desire for vengeance. On top of this, there is still an unnecessary awkwardness between the show’s supposedly most powerful couple.

I personally feel like this tension between Glenn and Maggie is a little dragged out. I’m rather annoyed by the fact that this situation has been so destructive towards their relationship.

Not to mention, we’re in a freaking zombie apocalypse and we don’t have time for petty boyfriend/girlfriend drama.

I can understand Maggie’s state of mind after being violated by the Governor. However, I certainly don’t see how she could hold any anger towards the one man who has always saved her life. Glenn on the other hand, who has been such a softy in the past, seems like the kind of guy that would want to cradle her in his arms and assure her that she had no control over what happened. But instead, even after Maggie explains her side of the story, Glenn walks out of the cell, leaving Maggie alone without a single embrace.

Meanwhile, we move to the first true interaction between Merle and Daryl. As soon as this scene begins, I sit with my fingers crossed, praying that something happens that will knock Daryl back to his senses and convince him to rejoin the group. My prayers are quickly answered as Daryl fights a small horde of zombies to save a family. Merle finds this as a form of entertainment. He stands at the sidelines with his typical smirk then attempts to rob the family after they are rescued. It was this action that seemed to flip a switch in Daryl’s brain. He points his infamous crossbow at his brother, introducing the, ahem, lovely exchange of words that will send the Dixon brothers back into our general direction.

AKA calling Merle a “a simple-minded piece of shit”

Each of these events-Rick’s wandering outside of the prison, Glenn’s strong desire for revenge, and Daryl’s decision to return to the prison-lead us to the dramatic conclusion.

Carol and Axel are seen carrying on a conversation outside. They exchange a few smiles, a few laughs, and I can’t help but think, “Man, this guy needs to back off of Daryl’s lady.” Then, without warning, a bullet unexpectedly flies through Axel’s head.

(Well, that takes care of that…)

The Governor is seen on the other side of the trigger, preparing to invade the prison walls with his thirst for bloodshed. A mysterious van plummets through the prison gates, stopping in the center of the prison’s field. After a few moments of silence, the back doors of the van open and small horde of flesh-eating Walkers begin taking over the grounds.

Needless to say, all hell breaks loose.

The group is vastly spread out at this point. Rick is still on the other side of the gates. Hershel, who was conversing with Rick just before the invasion, drops into the tall grass, crawling as fast as he can towards protection. Michonne immediately heads for the Walkers, slashing away at them with her sword. Maggie, Glenn, and Carl begin exchanging gunfire between the Governor and his accomplices. Carol is forced to use her new friend’s dead body as a shield against the gunfire, helplessly lying in the middle of the prison yard. Rick grows close to a deadly encounter with a few zombies…until Merle shows up at the last second, saving his life and possibly giving himself a chance for redemption.

Once Rick is back on his feet, a showdown between our sheriff and Woodbury’s governor takes place. It is at that moment that we see old-Rick springing to life, potentially shedding the demons that had been consuming him this entire episode.

And here I am, screaming at the television, feeling the excitement and the suspense that got me hooked to this show when it began two years ago.

Finally, we’re back in the game.

What did you think of “Home Sweet Home”?

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2 Comments on The Walking Dead “Home Sweet Home”: A Change of Pace [Review]

  1. Seriously totally agree that the Glenn/Maggie BS was ridiculous. She’s acting all “poor me” and meanwhile I’m thinking…, let’s see- you shirtless was worse than him almost losing an arm- how?! I wanted to slap her and I wanted Glenn to tell her to grow up. GREAT GREAT write up!

  2. Karinna

    I really hope their unnecessary drama ends ASAP. As in, by next week’s episode.

    Thank you very much for the comment!

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