Geek Girls

The Nerdy Stripper: Skaii Walker

The GEEKPR0N Empire continues to expand with the hottest thing this side of the Milky Way! Meet our newest edition, your friendly neighborhood stripper, Skaii Walker!

I should warn you that I’m a wanted criminal in over 15 galaxies. I’ve been described by authorities as a  gun shooting, 3D gaming, cosplaying, Master Jedi who just escaped from Kamino. Armed with a raygun, crossbow and an Ewok as my sidekick, my idea of a good time is lightsaber circle jerk with Spock, Jay Baruchell, and half the clone army [only if they keep their helmets on] while flying at 12 parsecs. So ya, if you hear the sound of my custom Xwing  getting louder, you may want to vacate.  I have a score to settle with Mr. The Hutt. Tattooed Stripper Barbie 4 life! [Pole sold separately.]

You can follow Skaii’s adventures in all the usual places: Facebook@nerdystripper, & tumblr.

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