
The Nerds Podcast: Summer Comics

What did you do over the summer?  If it was read a lot of comics, then you’re sitting in a great place.  Miles, and an old friend Chris, joined us to talk about the comics we read over the summer time.

Chris is an awesome artist, and he is coming off a successful Fan Expo.  You can check out his work at Comics by Chris.  He specializes in Archering various parts of geek culture, so you should check out his work or you can follow him on twitter at @Comicsbychris.

If you are in need of a new comic story, or to try a different genre of comics, you can head over to the Page & Panel Comics Shop at the Toronto Reference Library.  Miles will be there to help you find something amazing.  Head over there and tell him The Nerds sent you.

Don’t forget, you can subscribe to The Nerds Podcast on iTunes and Google Play.

What comics did you read over the summertime, and what comics are you anticipating in the winter?  Let us know on twitter or in the comments below.


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