Geek Art

The force is strong with these ones: Outstanding Star Wars Tattoos

“What do your tattoos mean?” This is a question I get asked almost daily.  I have 14 tattoos and  let me be the first to tell you,  maybe 4 of them actually mean anything. There seems to be this myth that you should only get a tattoo if the design means something profound.


I always get a kick out of the long, drawn out stories you see on shows like L.A. Ink. I don’t mean to be rude but, nobody really cares why you chose that particular piece, and in the end, the only person it should matter to is you. Tattoos are deeply personal and people get them for different reasons.

For me, it’s therapeutic. When something significant happens in my life, be it good or bad, I sometimes like to mark the event with a tattoo. The design rarely has anything to do with the reasoning. Other times, I just want a particular part of my body tattooed and the design comes later. In any case, the decision was mine to make and I could care less what anyone thinks.

Some people might look at the tattoos in the following gallery and think “Why would someone do that, I don’t understand.”
Well, it’s not for you to understand. We get tattoos because we like them. Some of us get them to commemorate loved ones, celebrate comradery, or simply for shiggles. (shits and/or giggles)

Bottom line, to judge someones tattoo choice is laughably ignorant, they didn’t do it to impress you. Although, I have to say, I’m pretty goddamn impressed by these photo-realistic Star Wars tattoos.

Think you’re a fan, do you? Check it.


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1 Comment on The force is strong with these ones: Outstanding Star Wars Tattoos

  1. Taelor Branco

    Why can’t you be honest and say you wanted it because it made you cooler? Or does admitting that make you uncool? I’m not sure how it works.

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