
Telekinetic Coffee Shop Prank: Best Movie Marketing Ever?

Pretty close.

Viral video company Thinkmodo pulled off a pretty awesome prank recently in an NYC coffee shop to promote the newest remake of the cult classic horror film Carrie. Unknowing customers were witness to what appeared to be an accidental coffee spill, resulting in a woman’s laptop being ruined. Like anyone else would be, she’s pissed – but then, the guy who did it suddenly goes flying against the wall via the woman’s telekinetic abilities.

I’ll let you watch the rest. The reactions are pretty funny. There’s a few people out there with the typical “pfft, I would have known the WHOLE TIME it was fake!”, which to that, I give them the stink-eye. Y’all are liars.

Honestly, if I had been in there, I would have initially been partly freaked out, partly fascinated, simply because I’ve always wanted telekinetic powers, and well…hey, crazy lady, wanna be friends? Let’s go buy you a new laptop and you can teach me how you did that thing,

Bonus: This been floating around too, and LOL.



Carrie hits theaters Oct. 18th.

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