
Your Superhero Origin – A Kickstarter for Super Powers

You know, everybody’s got their stories, right?

As a comic guy, I pay particular attention to the stories that, for lack of a better phrase, turned people into who they are. In other words: their superhero origin stories. Yeah, like I said, I’m a comic guy and that’s the way I see the world.

But let’s face it, these are the interesting stories in a hero’s background. They serve as an explanation, an examination of motivation and greater insight into this hero’s character. The measure of a person can be evaluated by the sum of their experiences but gaining a sense of their background gives you a greater perspective of who they are. Traumatic experiences or adverse situations allow people to grow stronger and gain the equivalent of super powers that inspire and allow them to accomplish great things.

So how does one gain these super powers?

Your Superhero Origin: Transform Suffering into Superpowers is a Kickstarter project that looks to explain and enlighten. Written by the editor of Popmythology.com, Daniel Jun Kim, this book uses super hero literature and is an illustrated guide to unlocking these techniques or super powers: practical tools and strategies based on a combination of experience and science to survive and succeed challenging situations.

Your Superhero Origin Kickstarter graphic1

What makes this fun as well as informational is the lens piece of super heroes. Hey – super heroes are entertaining, but they are also probably the most visible cultural examples of personal transformation in modern day literature. They illustrate the process in a dramatically exaggerated fashion but the principle is still the same. Their origin stories were extremely traumatic as well yet they were the source point for the powers that allowed them to become champions of good and change. Whereas we cannot hope to change the world in the same graphic way, we can still become champions of change for ourselves.

In terms of illustration, this Kickstarter has enlisted talented artists like Menton3 (The Memory Collectors, The Fly), Michael Avon Oeming (Powers) and Mathew Reynolds (The Mercenary Sea) along with other notable creators. Once the Kickstarter reaches its goal, these artists’ commissions will be seen in the planned 300 page book and on the cover.

Your Superhero Origin book cover

At present, the Kickstarter is at about 38% of its funding. A modest goal, it only seeks $8000 to publish the book. At the time of this writing, it currently sits at just over $3000. With 64 backers committed to seeing the project reach its culmination, it is clearly one that people believe in and can appreciate its value.

For more information, and to hear Daniel explain his vision, visit the Kickstarter page here.

Every super hero has an origin story that fundamentally changed him. Everyone has a story that also made fundamental changes to his or her life. This book seeks to show you how to make use of those stories. Take a chance and see how your adversity can fuel the change in you and become the super hero of your life.

Hey – everyone’s got a story right? What’s your superhero origin story?


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