
Super Morrissey Bros.

If there was an award for the best cover of the year, this one would be in the running for “Most Ironic.” You’ve probably always wondered what it would be like if The Smiths provided the soundtrack for your Super Mario adventures. No? Well, clearly someone on the internet has and as a result, you can hear ‘This Charming Man’ done in the style of your favourite childhood video game, complete with sound effects. 

Gone is the brooding melancholia (unless you listen really hard, you may hear convince yourself that the original King of Emo lurks somewhere in the bouncy digital track. Or not). But since this is one Morrissey’s more upbeat tunes, this whole thing starts to make more sense. Because after all, isn’t Mario something of a tragic figure, risking life and limb for a girl (who never even puts out)?

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