
Super ‘Fallin Freakin Angels’ Natural

Supernatural Season Nine….Seeeeeeason Nine! Can you believe it?!

Seems this season we’ve got some musical chairs going on. Crowley (Mark Sheppard) has feelings, Castiel (Misha Collins) is human, ANGELS are human and Sam is emotionless 50% of the time because he’s got an Angel running his inner workings. What the crap?!

After eight seasons and a couple of cancellation scares, it seems the powers that be have thought up a plan to switch it up a bit more to keep the series going. More ogling of  Winchester Bros?? FINE BY ME.

Now…we still haven’t seen anyone show up claiming to be GOD yet (which I really hope they do before they call it forever quits) but this season we’ll see cameos of Death (Julian Richings), Charlie (Felicia Day) and Bobby (Jim Beaver), who are easily a couple of the fan favourites.

We also get to meet some new faces to add to our collection of awesome people to appear on the show, including Tahmoh Penikett as Ezekiel, the angel who climbs inside Sam’s meatsuit to help keep it running.

I wouldn’t even mind seeing Chuck (Rob Benedict) again even though it’s rumoured he must be dead (or God?) after his disappearance at the end of Season 5. I just hope he doesn’t bring along superfan Becky (Emily Perkins) this time. *shivers*

Mind you, if I can only live with one prophet, I’m VERY ok with Kevin (Osric Chau). 😉

So, what can we expect from Season 9?

Emotions. Lots of emotions. But maybe not so much from the boys this time around, although I don’t think this is the end of the brooding brows from both Winchesters. Now that Castiel is human and having to deal with all that human stuff (like eating and pooping and LIVING), not to mention having ACTUAL emotions. Plus Crowley is trying to forget that at the end of last season all he wanted was just to be…LOVED. I’m thinking emotions will be the main focus all around this time.

Oh ya, then there’s that Abbadon chick (Alaina Huffman). Where DID she manage to get another meat suit that looks EXACTLY like her old meat suit anyway? Were they having a sale? Buy one, get one free in case your first one gets torched by good guys? Cause I’m thinkin even if your body gets brought back and unless you’re a vampire, you just. won’t. look. the. same.

Let’s see.. a bunch of angry demons, a bunch of angry angels… And a rumour that a bad ass Angel named ‘Malachi’ will give the boys some serious trouble later on in the season with talk of war.

Be sure to watch episode 3: I’m No Angel, tonight @ 9pm EST on The CW



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