
Star Wars Episode VII Release Date Revealed!

After (almost too) much prolonged anticipation, has announced an official statement of the Star Wars Episode VII release date.

Ladies and gentlemen:

With pre-production in full-swing, we now have a confirmed release date of December 18, 2015.

“We’re very excited to share the official 2015 release date for Star Wars Episode VII, where it will not only anchor the popular holiday filmgoing season but also ensure our extraordinary filmmaking team has the time needed to deliver a sensational picture,” said Alan Horn, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios.

In other words, I am currently marking my calendar while trying to not hyperventilate to the point of unconsciousness.

My current status is as followed:

Shooting is scheduled to begin spring 2014 at Pinewood Studios.


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3 Comments on Star Wars Episode VII Release Date Revealed!

  1. Danny Duignan

    December 18, 2015!!!!

    HOW THE HELL IS THAT GREAT NEWS? Basically what you’re telling us is that we have to still wait over two years rather than the suitable . . . one and a half years . . .

    But still, six extra months, oooooo, that’s too long!

    You know how many girls a can get shot down by in six months, a lot. They shot first . . . but unlike Greedo, they actually have good aim . . . (lol, that girl line is just me trying to be an ex-large nerd, ha ha).

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