
Sing a Song of Star Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away – events were recorded which have inspired generations of art, including musicians. To honour this Sunday being May the 4th, here is a list of six sensational Star Wars songs!

Tatooine Blues

It started for our hero Luke on the sandy planet Tatooine. Everyone knows that there’s at least one Cantina on the planet, and Toronto area duo Copy Red Leader has offered a sample song which might be played there. Tatooine Blues was also their entry in the CBC Search light project. Given their name, clearly Copy Red Leader knows their Star Wars.

You can hear the track right here!

Come Rescue Me

Now another Toronto singer/song writer/ukulele player has a song inspired by Disney’s purchase of the franchise. When Kari Maaren tried to figure out who the Disney princess was in Star Wars, the answer became clear. There was one character who was waiting around for something to happen. One character who needed to be prodded into action. One character who whined. So here is Kari’s “Come Rescue Me”


Baby It’s Cold Outside

Hoth, despite being a frozen waste land, seems to be fertile ground for song writers.  Seattle’s Kirby Krackle with The Doubleclicks, sing a new version of Baby It’s Cold Outside. This song is from Han & Leia point of view, with poor Luke literally being left out in the cold.

AT-ATs in the Snow

While you’re thinking about Hoth, who can forget the best/worst off road vehicles the Empire had to offer? Yup a whole song dedicated to AT-ATs. Toronto band, Debs and Errol discuss the AT-AT’s specs, their weaknesses, and the song is accompanied by two ukuleles! *pew pew pew*


Staying with Episode V but somewhere a little warmer, Weird Al was inspired to write “Yoda”. This 1984 Kink’s Lola parody was a hit on the Doctor Demento show, and should still receive fan love. If you get to see Weird Al live, chances are this will be his encore song.


A Very Star Wars Christmas

It’s not about Life Day, but Toronto’s Nerds With Guitars has as winter styling song which references many things in the first three movies, including Cloud City and gold lame, and Jabba.
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=2168414157 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small]


You can hear more Star Wars inspired tunes this Saturday night at GEEKPR0N’s 3rd ANNIVERSARY BASH!!


Today is the last day to pre-purchase tickets (which is the only way to WIN A PS4!) so buy your tickets today!!

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1 Comment on Sing a Song of Star Wars

  1. TAPP01

    Another thing Star Wars inspired were variations on it’s main theme. Young Tapp was very happy to discover, in high-school, a Star Wars disco album in his Dad’s collection. He had a number of these variations, and I still have a CD he made of them. Very cool.

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