Sexy Cosplay + Violin + Geeky Theme Songs = WIN!
Wow, like the title says, there’s a lot of awesome here. Personally, she had me at Sailor Moon, but throw in the Pink Ranger and I’m all yours. I wonder if she can kick ass WHILE violining… hmmm. I may have to test her skills.
Here’s Lara, a classically trained pianist (giggity) and violinist from Sydney, Australia.
Hi, I’m Lara, and I’m a musician based in Sydney. I’m classically trained on piano, but love playing video game music, some music theatre, and songs/pieces from TV shows and stuff. But mostly video game music 🙂
Videos after the link.
Might Morphin Power Rangers
Lara Croft/Tombraider
Sailor Moon
Super Mario, Tetris, Sonic Blindfolded
Check out her YouTube channel for more video game theme songs.
Source: Geekologie via YouTube
I love u so much!you remember to myself!are great,like a sister
thanks for inspiring me