Sexy Chun Li cosplay lightning kicks you right in the junk. [in a good way]
Is there a good way to be kicked 100 times in the genitals? Well, I suppose if you asked the users over at, the answer would be a resounding yes. That is if you think DIY castration is worth the couple hundred bucks. Not to mention dumping your purse out all over the ‘innernetz’ so the entire world can see what a colossal fucking idiot you are. (Yes, that was three Archer references in one sentence.)
Luckily, we ladies at GEEKPR0N are not sadists. We don’t wanna maim your junk we wanna make it feel all warm, and fuzzy, and har… wait, what?
Oh look! Girls!
I’m pretty sure one of these is actually an Ayane from Dead Or Alive cosplay, BUT WHO THE HELL AM I TO COMPLAIN.
Oh wait, it’s a Kasumi. SHOWS HOW DISTRACTED I WAS.
That last pick might as well be a kick to the genitals.