
Secret World of Butcher Billy


I recently stumbled across some art that i thought was extremely interesting by a Brazilian artist named Butcher Billy. This guy does something cool and unique – he takes different elements of pop culture, mashes them up,  and spits them back out at society in a very intelligent way poking fun at everything from The Smiths to Osama Bin Laden in an extremely Warhol-influenced fashion.


Some say Warhol wasn’t an artist at all, but I would disagree. I think that EVERY ARTIST has elements of other influences in whatever they do, no matter how hard they try to shake it. It’s only natural. Warhol just admitted it.  That’s how one becomes an artist – by being influenced by other art as well as life, and then spitting it out with their own original angle and style. Butcher Billy is proud to borrow elements of real life to paint them into HIS reality.


You can tell a lot about Butcher Billy from his art. He is a fan of music, politics, video games, movies, television and comic books – virtually all of his stuff is based around those elements. Every one of his pieces has some sort of political angle, whether you see it or not. One thing is for sure, he has an interesting eye for somehow taking completely unrelated topics and putting them together in a way that makes total sense. He’s original and he makes a statement, which are two important qualities of a true artist.


What’s next for Butcher Billy? Who knows. But this world has an endless supply of fuel for an ongoing project like this, so I assume we have a lot more art to look forward to. This guy is right on the money with his creations which makes the viewing of his stuff funny while still being intelligent and making you actually THINK.


For more art and Billy’s store (where you can get some pretty snazzy t-shirts), check out his website.


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