
Sarah Michelle Gellar in a Rap Battle as Cinderella is the Greatest Thing You’ll See Today

The latest instalment of Whitney Avalon’s Princess Rap BattleCinderella, Princess Buttercup and Goldilocks go head-to-head between Belle, Pocahontas and Little Red Riding Hood.

Cinderella, of course, is played by Buffy alum, Sarah Michelle Gellar who, surprisingly spits a mean game. I mean, I know she can sing, but now she can rap?!


Avalon started the series when she was writing comedy rap and suited up in a Snow White outfit against Elsa in the first video of the now-popular series.

The video, which is posted above, now has over 25 millions views since it’s debut five months ago and Sarah Michelle Gellar was one of its biggest fans.

What do you guys think of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s rapping skills?

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