Sam’s Movie Reviews: Star Wars Episode 1…in 3D
Contributed by Sam S.
Hey, its Sam here.
Sorry this a bit late but here it is…
So last week Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace came out in 3D…so like the HUGE Star Wars G33K that I am, I just had to go to an opening night screening of it (wearing my sith hood, complete with a light saber). Aside from being the worst movie in the Star Wars saga, I actually had a good time. The 3D crawl at the beginning of the film was a highlight, as well as the pod racing scene-which was totally awesome in 3D. Unfortunately, though the 3D is cool and all, Episode 1 is still as horribly boring as we all remember it to be…from the vile acting, to the awful dialogue and the uncomfortable ethnic stereotypes…
Episode 1 is still BAD as ever. EVEN IN 3D…the glasses might be cool George Lucas-but it doesn’t make up for Jar Jar Binks. It was actually painful to listen to all the toilet humor…AGAIN ><
But none the less, being the devoted Star Wars fan that I am. I will continue to fill George Lucas’s pockets with my hard earned cash. Why? You might say… Its because ultimately, these 3D re-releases of The Star Wars films is a chance for fans who weren’t around when the originals were released to enjoy the experience of seeing the Star Wars again on the big screen. Its just different from then watching them DVD or Blu-ray…don’t ask me why it just is…REAL Star Wars Fans will know what im talking about…What do you guys think, How did you like the 3D re-release of Episode 1? Will you see the other Star Wars films when they get re-released in theaters? Or is the 3D just a cash grab?
I went to see Ep.1 (allegedly) in 3D with a friend and her 9 year old son. Yes, it was still boring and stupid (and slightly racist). Yes, the only scenes worthy of the ticket price were the pod race and all things Darth Maul (forever the baddest-ass Sith Lord ever). But it was all worth it watching a 9 year old discover the SW universe (my dad took me to see the original SW on my 9th birthday WAY back in the day) especially knowing that the subsequent releases get better.
The 3D post conversion was…frankly…almost non-existent. It was about 75% 2D. Still, I’d rather see an almost non-3D conversion then a distracting botch job like in the Clash of the Titans remake.