
Pan – Peter, Hook, and, Tigerlily are back.

Coming across something really awesome online when you’re half asleep is just a treasure.

Warner Bros. has released the trailer for a new spin on the origins of Peter, Hook and Neverland in Pan.

Pan sets Peter in an orphanage, and obviously not having a good time of it. Suddenly, CLOWNS COME FROM THE SKY (wtf?) and all the boys are taken to Neverland, which is apparently ruled by Blackbeard (yes, that Blackbeard) channeling Christopher Walken in Sleepy Hollow, and has a really strong Lord of The Flies vibe for a second, until a really nice song comes on, and a really attractive miner is also there who turns out to be James Hook. Then it’s all pretty colours and fight scenes and the cast. It looks like a lot of fun, and given how heartbroken many of us still are over Robin Williams, it’s a nice reminder of how much we all still love Hook.

Here, have some  posters!


The film stars Hugh Jackman as Blackbeard; Garrett Hedlund as Hook; Rooney Mara as Tiger Lily; Adeel Akhtar as Smee; and newcomer Levi Miller as Peter, and is set for release on July 17, 2015.

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