
Nintendo Renews Eternal Darkness Trademark.

Nintendo has renewed the trademark for Eternal Darkness.

Let me say that again.

Nintendo has renewed the trademark for Eternal Darkness.

Like other things I have written about in the past half of you are scratching your heads trying to understand what makes this news worthy.  The other half might need to change their pants.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem was a cult classic horror game released on Gamecube in 2002 and did a better job of being H.P. Lovecraft than the ACTUAL game based on Lovecraft’s works.  Fans of the game have been begging for a sequel for well over a decade now with little success.  The closest the game has come to a follow up was an attempt to kickstart a spiritual successor entitled Shadow of the Eternals.  I say attempt because the project didn’t even reach half of its goal.

The important thing to note about this renewal of the trade mark is that Nintendo has requested a six month extension to their current deadline to file a Statement of Use, meaning they have six months to declare what they are going to do with this property.

This could go several different ways, a remake, a sequel, a virtual console release.  Or maybe Nintendo are just conducting a cruel experiment to see if they can cause the game’s sanity effects to plague the fanbase in real life.

Only time will till what the end result of this will be, but while we wait I need to go chase my head around the living room and get it to stop quoting Shakespeare.

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