

Friends! I have uncovered a great secret… Giant robots live among us!

Don’t give me that! We at GEEKPR0N have found photographic evidence of giant transforming robots, Transformers if you will, living among us!

I was put on this trail just last week by my bosses at GEEKPR0N who tried to assure me that this was just someones statue. I knew however that there was a bigger story here then we were seeing.

So I headed down to the Hunan province of China to meet these supposed creators of these supposed statues.


Yu Zhilin and his son presumably tried to feed me a line about how these were just made from scrap but since I don’t speak Cantonese or Mandarin I was impervious to their web of lies. Despite this they insisted on trying to convince me otherwise showing me repair parts for these robots and masquerading them as scrap statue fodder.

In spite of my evidence I had no desire to rumble with the Chinese police. I resolved therefore to continue my research online. As I did I found more and more evidence erroneously labeled as statues by the conventional media.

They’re everywhere folks. In the Philippines:




Even in America:


For a time I was curious as to why so many of the same statue appeared until I came across this upsetting evidence:

mass product

Dear god… they’re in mass production. May the great golden light of Primus have mercy on us all.

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