
New Wolverine trailer is full of awesome

Ok so based on these trailers I can now safely say that this movie is definitely better than the atrocity known as X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Hell, the TRAILERS are better than that movie (even though I secretly sorta kinda enjoyed the cheesiness of it). Yep, this looks like it’s going to be fun and by fun I mean ninjas and by ninjas I mean Wolverine fighting ninjas. Fighting ninjas while questioning his own immortality… wait could this be the Logan character development movie we’ve been waiting for?

Originally I thought this movie took place after the events of said atrocious movie above, (and well I didn’t bother reading up on everyone’s official synopsis and kept sticking to the Silver Samurai comic story line in my head). After watching the trailer a few times, I noticed homage to Jean Grey, from the Bryan Singer movies, which means it takes place AFTER the events in the X-Men movies – a different canon altogether (as to be expected). Although I was hoping this to replace the last Origins movie, it seems to fit in nicely where it does which is great.

I’m really excited to see how closely it follows the Silver Samurai/Mariko story arc and well, it looks like those fight scenes with Silver Samurai are going to be fantastic. Did I mention ninjas?

Check out the domestic trailer below and the international trailer above.

Domestic Trailer

Excited? I sure am.

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