
New Green Day! “Let Yourself Go”

Green Day, Green Day, Hallelujah! Earlier we reported the trio of Green Day albums coming our way this fall, titled, ¡UNO!’, ‘¡DOS!’ and ‘¡TRE!’ along with this music g33k’s unbridled excitement around all things Green Day. Unfortunately, though, the initial single ‘Oh Love’ was a bit underwhelming. But the Green Day God’s must have heard the fans’ collective sighs and have given us this; a live video for the new song, ‘Let Yourself Go’ and I can say without hesitation that it rules. So what are you waiting for? Click past the jump to watch the brand new video and let me know what you think!

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1 Comment on New Green Day! “Let Yourself Go”

  1. Michael

    Honestly, I kind of lost interest in Green Day after Insomniac but I really like this tune! Why didn’t they release this as the first single?

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