
New Batman Game Confirmed

So, it looks like Warner Brothers has come out and confirmed a new game release in the Batman franchise. It was said that the game will be released later this year, but there is no word yet on whether it will be released this calendar year or this fiscal year.

The game is going to be based on the Silver Age of DC comics (when Batman interacts with other DC comic heroes such as Superman) and is said to be a prequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, when Batman first encounters Joker. Sounds great right? Well here’s the kicker. Mark Hamill has announced he will NOT be voicing Joker in this next game.


On the other hand, Paul Dini, the writer for the first two Batman games has confirmed he will be involved in this project. I don’t doubt the game will be great, but with rumors like a switch in developers and the news about Mark Hamill, a lot of fans are a little skeptical. I’m still on the fence.

What do you think of these announcements?

(via FP Tech Desk)

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4 Comments on New Batman Game Confirmed

  1. People have to remember that, barring the last 5 years, Batman has had a shite history of video games. If this series gets handed off from Rocksteady, I’m taking the first Bat-Pole outta here.

  2. IDK if this would really be worth it. They have a great cast as it is now. Robert Danger is right, Batman, as kick ass as he is on screen and in the comics, has had the worst luck with the video games. I will check it out but without Mark Hamill, I don’t know. Better find someone who can do the Hamill Joker to the T or it’s just not gonna be Joker I’m afraid.

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