
Montreal ComicCon 2016

It was another stellar year with a new record of 56,000 people in attendance at Montreal ComicCon 2016!

Fantastic Cosplays, excited crowd and great organization of the comiccon staff made this year just as good as the previous ones. All the vendors were inviting and so many wonderful little surprises happened if you were in the right place at the right time. You couldn’t walk across the main floor without periodically hearing the SHAME bell from Septa Unella, I’m pretty sure the masquerade wants her in attendance every year now! While I was helping the Doctor Who Society of Canada, we had a fantastic Hodor go by that we just HAD to have come ‘hold the door’ for us. Cue collective crying from everyone who witnessed it.

The gossip that everyone kept talking about was that John Barrowman had been threatened and had to cancel his Saturday morning autograph and Q&A sessions. Although after an unfortunate incident like this, he could have just left and not continued with an appearance, the staff instead moved his photo ops and autographs to an alternative room so he could carry them out. He was very apologetic about it’s impact on his attendance at the con, but he was in great spirit with everyone that managed to meet him. I was fortunate enough to get a photo with this lovely man and I leave it with you so that you may surmise whether the time vortex will somehow be affected by this event.



Simon Fontaine is famous for his cosplay of Ace Ventura and you haven`t truly experienced MCC if you haven`t seen him strutting around rambling in Jim Carrey tongue and zerberting the air at everyone. This year he stepped up his game by giving the congoers a little dance number in his Mask cosplay with a lovely companion as his Cameron Diaz dance partner. Check out the video here:


Something to note though, the Palais des Congres really need to familiarize their staff with what happens at comic conventions. Having Hawkman & Hawkwoman (wearing giant wings) denied access to an elevator because it was reserved for people with ‘limited mobility’ defeats the purpose of what it’s there for. The staff member eventually let them on, but it took some convincing to show him that this is indeed EXACTLY what the elevator is for.

Check out the full gallery below of all the cosplay I caught at the convention. I highly recommend this one, if not for the easy access to fantastic food in Montreal, but everything con-related that goes with it!

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