
So THIS is How You Kill The Batman

You know that moment when someone is about to tell you something that will ruin your day and you can instantly hear it in the tone of their voice as they say, “You may want to sit down for this…” ?

Well, you may want to sit down for this.

Warner Bros Studios has announced that Ben Affleck is set to star as Batman in the sequel to Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel.

Uh. Wat.

I know. You’re probably re-reading that statement a dozen times just to make sure you read it right. Then your heart will begin to break as you realize that your eyes were not playing tricks on you.

As for me, my phone is currently recovering from being tossed across my living room.

Meanwhile, Mr. Daredevil is probably parading around somewhere all high and mighty like

Social media sites everywhere are currently booming with raging comments, intense debates, and heavy hearts over the news. After all, Batman is without a doubt THE most popular superhero in the DC Universe.

He is also one of the most butchered superheroes in cinema history.


I mean…how can we forget this?

Okay, maybe we’re all being a little overdramatic. Maybe Affleck will pull a Heath Ledger and surprise the shit out of us as he portrays the best Batman of all time. Maybe this will work.

This is one of those rare occasions where I really hope someone proves me wrong. Because as of right now, I have a bad feeling about this.


(via E!News)

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4 Comments on So THIS is How You Kill The Batman

  1. Gmack

    I don’t know. Ben Affleck as Batman may work. He was great in Argo and The Town was very good. Batman may be a role he can pull off. The problem with Daredevil was writing, direction, production…OK everything…so it is hard to pin that failure on him. I am hopeful that the good Affleck shows up. Part of this is that he still hasn’t lived down Gigli.

  2. ZapTheSheep

    I have a problem with Affleck playing Batman, but I have a bigger problem with Zack Snider being given the reins of Batman. He completely screwed the pooch with Superman (IMHO). I have still refused to see that abomination. What makes anyone think he can produce/direct Affleck into a better Batman than he was Daredevil?!

  3. VeraBaby

    It’s not even that he’s a bad actor… (I’m not saying he’s good either) He’s just not suited to Batman! He’s had the occasional role where he does well but not a single thing about Affleck says Batman and as a serious Batman fan I’m pissed off about this.

    When I heard Josh Brolin might be Batman I was stoked! I thought that was a fan-fucking-tastic idea. Then at FanExpo someone tells me “Hey, Affleck for Batman” and I thought it was a joke.

    This has to be a Joke!

    I imagine him in the suit and I just feel… uncomfortable… wtf?

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