
Joss Whedon is Officially Signed onto AVENGERS 2

It’s official folks, we can all stop speculating, hoping, crossing our fingers and holding our breath, in a Slashfilm just reported that Joss Whedon has officially signed on to write and direct AVENGERS 2, the sequel to The AVENGERS, this summer’s  record breaking blockbuster.

But there’s more…The announcement of Joss Whedon’s involvement in Avengers 2 was made during a Disney investors conference call  it was also reported that Whedon will have some involvement in the live-action Marvel TV series though the capacity of his involvement, as many of the details of the series, are still under wraps. UPDATE: Whedon will be creating a Marvel-based series for ABC.

As a huge fan of Whedon’s work on television and in film with the most recent outings being the killer film geek/horror/comedy combo Cabin in the Woods with frequent collaborator Drew Goddard and of course adding his signature witty banter and pitch perfect character moments in both heartfelt scenes and comedic beats big and small in The Avengers I take this as excellent news, I’m positively giddy! I can’t wait to see what Whedon will do with the sequel and what will come of his foray back into television with the live-action series.

(source: BadAss Digest  via Slashfilm, Hitfix)

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