
CONFIRMED–J.J. Abrams to Direct the New Star Wars Film

Turns out we were right, ladies and gents!

Lucasfilm and Disney released an official announcement last Friday stating that J.J. Abrams will in fact be directing Star Wars: Episode VII.

The thought of one man taking on the two greatest sci-fi franchises of all time blows my freaking mind. Considering the amount of pressure that now rests heavily on his shoulders, I give Abrams major props for taking on both projects.

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

Alongside Abrams, Academy Award-winning writer Michael Arndt will be writing the screenplay.

Personally, I’m stoked. I truly believe Abrams will recapture the essence of the original trilogy, all while bringing in a whole new feel to the Star Wars saga. When it all is said and done, I hope this new addition will help us to forget about the brutality that was the prequels.



Speaking of which, along with the official announcement, Lucasfilm has also decided to delay the re-release of the prequels in 3D…indefinitely.

This decision follows the underwhelming box office performance of Episode I: The Phantom Menace when it re-released in 3D in February 2012. Disney stated that they want to focus primarily on “rebooting the franchise.”

Good thinking, Disney.

Star Wars: Episode VII is set to release in 2015. This means that, along with having hoverboards and flying cars, 2015 is probably going to be one of the greatest years of all time.


Oh, and let’s not forget about those Nikes.

I’ve shared my thoughts on the announcement. Now I’d love to know how YOU feel about the latest news on SWVII. Feel free to comment below, share this with your friends, EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS.

Just, please, no more lense flare jokes.

Or else.







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