
Introducing the Photon 3D Scanner! Oh the possibilities…

When I first met co-founder Adam Brandejs, I found him in his lab building his 4th (or 5th) 3D printer. While I was immediately impressed by the printer itself, he simply added “wait until you see what’s coming next” and left me hanging. Mean, I know. Disappointed? Hell no.

Photon_open_600pxIntroducing the Photon 3D scanner – The world’s first, truly affordable 3D scanner for anyone!

3D printing has been revolutionizing modern industry since its inception and 3D scanning plans to do the same. With the Photon you’ll be able to take a physical object, and turn it into a digital 3D model on your computer. From there, you can print your file on any 3D printer, or online printing service. Hey game animators, you can even use it to do your 3D models.

JulieScan_600pxI know you’re all thinking what I’m thinking… taking your tabletop gaming figurines you’ve created, like Warhammer or Heroclix, and scanning your characters in to print them on your gaming sheets. Damn right that’s what I’m doing.

While 3D scanning has been around for some time, it’s always been rather cumbersome and difficult to accomplish since most didn’t offer complete 360 degree accurate scanning. With the Photon its as easy as plugging it in and that’s it. It works with popular 3D software already and allows you to create your own personalized 3D items with the click of a button.


  • High resolution scan created with a high definition camera and dual lasers.
  • All scanners are fully assembled and tested prior to shipping. There are no kits here.
  • Easy folding design makes storage or transport simple.
  • Quick scans. Multiple quality settings can be chosen but an average scan is 3 minutes.
  • Looks awesome. Shoots lasers.
  • Scan objects up to 190mm x 190mm x 250mm (7.5″ diamter x 9.75″ height)
  • Dual stepper motors for full software control over the scan bed and the z-axis.
  • See the point cloud being captured in real time!
  • Full version of software included for PC or Mac (Linux currently in beta).
  • .STL, .OBJ, and point cloud .PLY formats

If you want your very own Photon, make sure to check out their Indiegogo page to pre-order your very own, or even help them raise funds to get this in mass production.

There’s more FAQs and details available on their website, and their Indiegogo page if you’re interested in learning more.

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