
Hope’s Picks: Panels at Fan Expo Canada 2013

Hey all! I’m heading off to one of the busiest weekends of the year for geeks like myself – Fan Expo Canada. I’m thrilled since this year I won’t just be attending as media, but I’ll be an active member of two panels. Add to that stress a bevy of amazing artists to socialize with, parties to attend, and panels to absorb, you bet I need to be prepared! And here are some of the panels and events I’ve highlighted for this year’s convention.

But don’t take my word for it, I encourage you to go to panels and talk to artists that aren’t on your usual list, you never know what new obsessions you’ll create for yourself!

Thursday, August 22

dalek7:00 PM Room 206 – Fun with Daleks
How often can you play with Daleks without the fear of EXTERMINATION? The Doctor Who Society of Canada invites you to interact with their latest toys, if six foot tall killing machines on wheels can be considered toys. Be sure to bring your own couch to hide behind, folding chairs do nothing to thwart the wrath of Daleks Dreadnaught and Auric.

Friday, August 23

11:00 Room 713 – Basic Kickstarting and Fundraising
If for some reason you can’t attend our panel at 11:15 (hopefully because it’s too packed to fit any more bodies), then how about you go to this one and take notes for me? Have an idea for a great comic project or webseries? Kickstarter opens up to Canada participants next month but don’t waste any time, it takes a lot of preparation and work if you want your friends, family, and investors to open up their wallets to fund your dreams.

11:15 Room 703 – The Canadian Superhero Renaissance
Let’s get the obvious out of the way shall we? I’m pumped to be attending my own panel, but even if I wasn’t on it I’d be thrilled. canadiansuperheroThere’s never enough discussion about Canadian comics even at our own conventions. I’m joined by an all-star cast including:

Ramon Perez – 3 time Eisner winner for Tale of Sand and current artist for Marvel’s X-Force
J Torres – Creator of the crowdfunded Canadian superhero comic anthology True Patriot
Mike Valiquette – animation director for the new Captain Canuck webseries
Hope Nicholson (me) –producer on Lost Heroes, a documentary on Canadian superheroes
Will Pascoe – director of Lost Heroes and writer/producer on Orphan Black

Fearless Fred of Teletoon at Night is moderating and it’s bound to be an exciting panel on the implications of superheroes on our national identity.

12:30 PM Room 701A – Creator Spotlight: Walt & Louise Simonson
Words can’t say how much I loved the New Mutants, X-Factor, and Power Pack, some of Marvel’s best entries into children/teen-oriented comic books in the 1980s. This was all due to the creative talent of Louise Simonson. I hear she’s done a lot of Superman work as well, but what can I say, I’m a Marvel fangirl at heart. Plus, she was the basis of the look for Madelyne Pryor, everyone’s favourite Goblin Queen (next to Kat Curtis of course).

1:15 PM Room 716 – Captain Canuck World Premiere
captain canuckI told you, I love Canadian comics, and nothing’s more iconic than Captain Canuck. Technically this is the second episode premiere of the new Captain Canuck webseries, with the first episode premiering at the Silver Snail on Canada Day earlier this year. Headlined by Lost Girl actors Kris Holden-Reid and Paul Amos, Smallville actor Laura Vandervoot, Orphan Black break-out star Tatiana Maslany, and creator Richard Comely, moderated by Ajay Fry of InnerSPACE.

From what I’ve seen so far of the series, it’s bound to be a thrilling episode and the cast are the most engaging actors on Canadian TV. Sadly I’ll have to skip this one due to work commitments, so no spoilers please!

1:45 PM Room 705 – Royal Academy of Illustration & Design
raidSpeaking of Canadian talent (when am I not?) the folk at RAID studios give us a rare glimpse into their working process and showcase the current projects they’re working on. Some of the finest illustrators and artists in the biz, these studiomates are up to some pretty exciting high-profile projects in the mainstream and independent comic worlds. Aspiring illustrators and artists, you’ll really want to check this panel out.

6:00 PM Room 701A – Independent Web Series Creators of Canada Panel
So the Kickstarter panel has gotten you all pumped up, but you want to do a webseries and not a comic? Have no fear, the creative and business minds behind web-series creation in Canada are here to advise you and warn you of potential pitfalls.

 Saturday, August 24

10:30 AM Room 1946 – Autograph Session with Todd McFarlane
mcfarlaneMaybe you’re a fan of his work on Spawn and Spider-man. Maybe you just want 3 seconds to chat about your favourite baseball teams. Maybe you want to complain about how he ruined your chance to see how Miracleman ended (please don’t do that). Either way, you have a rare opportunity to have your comics signed by Canadian-born Image Comics creator Todd McFarlane. It’s worth waking up for.

11:00 AM Room 206 – Celebrity Q&A with Gina Torres
Forget about Firefly, I want to know all the behind-the-scenes gossip of Cleopatra 2525.

12:15 AM – Send in the Clones: Writing Orphan Black
joeshusterOK, OK, I’m biased. The director of Lost Heroes is also a writer on this show. But seriously have you watched it? It just may be the most perfect show to ever come out of Canada. Sexy without being sleazy, dark without being tiresome, funny without being campy, this show is the best. See how it gets that way by talking to the creative minds that bring it to life.

8:30 PM Jackman Hall at the AGO – The Joe Shuster Awards
OK OK  OK, I’m biased AGAIN. I’ll be presenting a short little something at this event. Watch me stumble, with only my pal Rachel Richey holding me up. Thank god I’m not hosting though, those duties performed by the main force behind Toronto comics: Ty Templeton, and Toronto Star critic Rob Salem. Attend and celebrate some of the best talent in Canadian comics this year. Though if I had a choice I’d give awards to everyone.

Don’t worry, the awards tend to be fairly short, maybe an hour in length, you’ll have plenty time to get to:

9:00 PM  The Horseshoe Tavern – Nerd Noise Night
nerd noise night websiteSure Fan Expo has an official party, but where else can you find all the latest and hottest nerd-music acts in the city? That’s right I said all. Rap, folk, rock, there’s something for every discerning taste. And introducing the Cybertronic Spree, a new band that’s performing the soundtrack from the 1986 Transformers film while dressed as…the Transformers. I have it on good authority that most of the nerd-elite (*snort*) will be attending this function, so put on your finest cosplay and come out and rub elbows!

Sunday, August 25

kevin11:00 AM Room 713 – Archie Comics Presentation
Did you know that Archie writer Dan Parent refuses to let the Riverdale gang travel to Russia due to their stringent anti-gay laws? Archie comics has come a long way from their conservative roots, see what prompted this transition over time and hear what’s next for the gang in this panel.

12:45 PM Room 705 – #1ReasonWhy – Women in Gaming
Hosted by one of the Canadian leaders in gaming discourse, Soha El-Sabaawi, this panel takes on the hot-topic issue of women in gaming. Future creator or just a player? Attend and see what the problems are in the gaming industry and what steps are being made to challenge and change the current status-quo.

2:15 PM Room 703 – Golden Age of Canadian Comics
OK, OK, OK, OK. You get the point now that I’m biased. What do you know of the Golden Age of Canadian Comics? Did you know we had the first superheroine? Or that she was an Inuit Goddess? Come out and learn all about this brief period, I promise you won’t regret it. Plus, a special Fan-Expo exclusive announcement by myself and Rachel Richey that will change the landscape of Canadian comics…slightly.

That’s all I have planned! Hopefully you saw some panels you’d like to check out, and if not, I’ll see you on the floor! Feel free to bug me at any of my panels or the Shuster Awards. On Sunday you can find me hanging around the Gay Nerds webseries, or stalk me on twitter at @hopelnicholson for my current location.

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