
Hoarders – Skyrim Edition

This couldn’t come at a better time. See, just last night I was saying to J3SS that G33K HQ’s basement is starting to look like an episode of Hoarders with her 10 boxes of cosplay, disassembled wardrobe units, and boxes of toys. Yes I do NEED that talking monkey head, thank you very much!

In any case, I’m guilty of the same in good ol’ Skyrim. Well, now that I’ve finished the game, I’ve taken to cleaning up my house in Whiterun. *But G33KBOT, there IS no finish to the game!* – Shut it, I finished all the main story lines! Don’t make me Fus Ro Dah your FACE!

Check out this hilarious episode of Hoarders – the Skyrim edition.

Source: College Humor

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2 Comments on Hoarders – Skyrim Edition

  1. Zap the Sheep

    Y’know, I wouldn’t have had so much crap hoarded up in “The Breeze” if those frakking merchants would have more than 1k gold each time I made it back to White Run.  C’mon, I’m not just gonna give it away.

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