
15 Minute Teaser for Game Of Thrones Season 4? My Body is Ready.


HBO released a 15 minute look back/preview for Game Of Thrones Season 4, titled “Ice and Fire: A Foreshadowing“.

Before I get to the content, hoooooooly eff was that was beautiful editing in the intro.


Season 4 is a biggie. And by biggie, I mean, to quote Peter Dinklage, “I know how important the Red Wedding is to so many fans of the shows and the books…but we pick up the pieces, and top it. In many ways.”

Uh oh.

Here’s some highlights:

  • Actors discuss the Red Wedding and their reactions.
  • Tyrion Lannister finds himself in more trouble than he can handle in most of the season.
  • TONS of fan questions.
  • The “other” wedding.
  • My Boyfriend Jon Snow having conflicting feels.
  • Brienne of Tarth is hella adorable.
  • Behind the scenes shenanigans.
  • Bran’s eyebrows.
  • The entire season is basically going to be one giant Episode 9. (show fans will know.)


So. Much. Stuff. So excited.

Season 4 of Game of Thrones premieres on April 6th.



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