
First Full-Length Trailer for Godzilla is HERE (insert intense roar here)

The first full-length trailer for Godzilla was released this week, and…let me just say that my jaw is still recovering from hitting the floor.

The film looks so visually stunning, the casting is superb (featuring Kick Ass‘s Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Breaking Bad‘s Bryan Cranston, and Elizabeth Olsen) and Godzilla himself appears to be incredibly, perfectly terrifying.


(that ROAR, though?!)

This will no doubt be director Gareth Edwards big break.


It looks like the month of May just might be the highlight for cinema in 2014. Joining alongside with The Amazing Spider-Man (May 2) and X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23), Godzilla is set to hit theaters May 16, 2014.


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