
Glitter on my Cameltoe, Glitter on my Cameltoe

Nothing like a good ol slow motion ass slap to get the day started.

Here’s a great slow motion ass slap by Eva on Lola’s nice butt. I’m so impressed by this team’s shooting that I’ll gladly volunteer my glitter removal services.

Actually I kinda like her shoes.

On analysing the film we noticed a few things, one that we should have seen that pimple on her butt before shooting and filmed from the other side….. we could of course remove it in post, but as these are experiments we though we would leave it in as a permanent reminder. Notes to selves, Next time: get the biggest monitor possible when using the phantom under big lights. Also maybe to not be shy… and look at what you are about to film in every tiny detail (no mater how distracting) before saying action.

In this test we were using a Vision Research Phantom HD slow motion camera shooting to a 120 gig ram stack at 1000frames per second, the lens was a 35mm Carl Zeiss Planar T* wide open.

No babes, hot or otherwise were harmed* in the making of this film.

Amazing Bottom Slap! from on Vimeo.

Source: Obvious Winner via Vimeo

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