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Get Spoiled! Watch Four Clips from the Doctor Who Mid-Season Premiere

With just over a week to go before Doctor Who returns for season 7b we are really getting spoiled. Four clips from the mid-season premiere “Bells of Saint John”, four clips have popped up on various TV shows over the past week plus one from Entertainment Weekly.

Not that you really needed another reason to watch all the clips and bug your friends. But, qatching all four clips together may actually prove as a primer for the uninitiated, each one explains a different facet of Doctor Who. So share this post, show your friends!

Will you watch the episode fresh on March 30th or get spoiled with these sneak peeks?

In this clip Jenna-Louise Coleman’s latest version of Clara Oswin Oswalt discovers the TARDIS. This version of Clara notices that it is “bigger on the inside”, rather than the Christmas Special version who found it to be “smaller on the outside”.

This next clip also pays fan-service playing with a typical Who-ism. Doctor Who?

In which The Doctor explains a bit about the TARDIS

And Eleven being Eleven.

(via The Nerdist)

Doctor Who returns Saturday March 30th on Space, BBC America, BBC and… other places across time and space!

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