
GEEKPR0N Tests the Batmobile Stroller

So recently I got to test drive the Tumbler Batmobile Stroller by Super-Fan Builds.

Okay test drive is a slightly inaccurate word. A more accurate word miiiiight be stolen. But really that’s not important.

Anyway as part of a new initiative here at GEEKPR0N we’ve ventured into product testing. That’s right, rather than just writing the news for you fine folks we’ve begun testing all manner of geek products on all manner of things to help you people at home.

As a sidenote we’ve learned that the minimum number of G.I. Joes that a conventional mountain goat can take is five before they begin to fight back. Where did we make the goat take said G.I. Joes you ask? I think you’d be surprised by the answer.

Anyway I got my hands on this stroller and decided to drive it around the narrow city streets of Toronto to see how practical this creation was.

Toronto Street

Maaan those people didn’t see me coming.

So it became time to test drive the stroller. Rather than put an infant in the seat like a lunatic… I mean come on… infants discharge. I “found” a bag of flour and put a mustache on it. You know, so he takes after his old man.

First baby pic

A picture of my first born.


So I strapped my little son into his seat and away we go.

After the first hour I noticed that the angled slope at the front of the cab allowed me to plow pedestrians right at the feet so that they went rolling over the fuselage and right behind me. Because I was using an inanimate bag of flour instead of a real infant my child did not cry or even show signs of fuss when that one man tried to grab him to hold on.

second baby pic

Filthy pedestrians laying a hand on my son.

An immediate problem I noticed was that the front tires had no turning axel meaning I had to rear the entire stroller back on the rear tires in order to turn. During this time with the Toronto cold and slush I took a bit of a skid and hit an old woman in her brittle old woman hip before landing the stroller on her and riding away.


Pictured above, an ordinary person exhibiting the same problem I did with an actual infant in the stroller. What a weirdo.


As the afternoon wore on I found myself tired and decided to use Toronto Transit. This was a problem as the aisles for a TTC streetcar are quite narrow and I thought that I couldn’t accommodate my stroller in such a confined space.


People gonna die!

But, I remembered my previous discovery that the entire thing could easily tilt back on its rear wheels. While this constant tilting back might be uncomfortable for a regular weak willed child bred by normal people my little guy handled it all without a fuss. I pulled back on the handle and drove that sucker right up and over the seats. Due to the steel frame underneath I easily skipped over the metal seats as I found a prime spot in the back.

Unfortunately my time on the streetcar was cut short as the police were called in to resolve some disturbance being caused by “Some lunatic with a stroller” I knew it couldn’t be me because my new batmobile stroller had easily traversed all of the seats with minimal difficulty. Still I didn’t want to stay in the area when the police were coming. I had a child to think of! So I made my escape.

Thankfully the strong construction of the stroller allowed me to punch through the back window of the streetcar amid a hail of gunfire. I wasn’t hit but my little guy got dinged. Took his bullet like a real trooper.

Third baby pic

What a champ!


Anyway, by this point it was getting late so I decided that me and my wee one had seen enough excitement for one day. We managed to sell the stroller to a nearby man and his child for an easy forty bucks. We went our separate ways and the next morning I used my son to make pancakes.


Delicious pancakes.

As I was eating I saw on the news that the man I sold the stroller to was arrested for endangering the public. Grateful that I and my child hadn’t had any further contact with him I smiled and enjoyed my pancakes.

Overall it`s a good product but isn’t good with corners. More of a vanity item really. Likely to see a lot of rest time in whatever large space you can fit it in. I would pass on a purchase. Though, it would be a great item for a novelty theme park of some kind.

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