
Geekpr0n Interviews the 404s

(Editor’s Note:  We think Big Mike may be losing it, but since he brings the funny, we let it slide.  And yes, this is Big Mike interviewing himself, why do you ask?)

Recently I got a chance to sit down with Big Mike of The 404s Improv Comedy. The 404s are a Canadian based short form improv geek comedy troupe with chapters in Southern Ontario and Alberta. Still, despite their relative long duration and constant tenure at Anime North as one of the convention’s biggest events they remain a relatively unknown group. I resolved myself, therefore, to interview one of their most infamous and likely insane members.

I managed to catch up with Big Mike as he was surrounded by a flock of very sexy women who were trying very hard to touch his beard. The 6’4 psychopath wasn’t allowing it though and instead opted to conduct this brief interview with me which I have recorded in its entirety here for your enjoyment.

Big Mike: Thank you for taking the time to speak with us Big Mike.

The 404s: My pleasure citizen! I’ve greatly enjoyed the works of your publication, yours in particular I might add.

Big Mike: Thank you! And my I say that your beard is as great as your manliness.

The 404s: Why Thank you! Yours is quite the pinnacle of human achievement as well.

Big Mike: Thank you! Now how many shows do the 404s have this weekend?

The 404s: Five. Two normal short form shows, one League show, one special finale show and one Big Fat Anime Quiz show.


Big Mike: Now I’m well versed in improv comedy but for those at home what is the difference between a short form show and a league show?

The 404s: Short form is much like that great old show Whose Line is it Anyway? Where improvisers perform a series of “short” games—or scenes as we like to call them—revolving around a specific format and are usually a couple of minutes in length. League shows are where teams square off to create scenes with small suggestions and the audience votes which scene was superior.

Big Mike: Such a concise and erotic answer! Are you any good at league shows?

The 404s: Me personally? I have gained a reputation as a bit of a Bad Boy during those shows and frequently rack up penalties for what I consider boyish shenanigans and what others label “megalomania”.

Saturday league

Big Mike: That sounds like the ignorant prattling of weaker mortals.

The 404s: I know right? I’m glad you get it you battle stallion of genius!

Big Mike: Thank you, you insatiable mustang of manhood!  Now what is the Big Fat Anime Quiz Show?

The 404s: If you’re familiar with Britain’s Big Fat Quiz of the Year it’s the same concept. Get a bunch of guests together to answer questions about the news of the year and in our case it is based on Anime that.

Big Mike: What a delightfully quirky and fascinating format.  Has anyone accused you guys of ripping off the idea?

The 404s: No one living haha!

Big Mike: Oh you cheeky love bandit! You stop that!

The 404s: No you stop it you insatiable comedy writing god!

Big Mike: Now as you are referred to as Big Mike, I must imagine that you can do a great amount of push ups!

The 404s: Indeed I can and I do so frequently.

Big Mike: How would you qualify such an amount?

The 404s: I’d qualify such an amount of push ups as “sick”.

Big Mike: What a fascinating and sexy answer!  Our readers at home, who have the barest understanding of the mercurial process of improv, want to know how it is you people come up with the jokes that you do.

The 404s: Well, you see a long time ago my father was making love to my mother near an old gypsy woman’s hut and she was so impressed by his love making skills that she decided he deserved a reward and granted him a wish.

Big Mike: And that was for his son to be funny?

The 404s: No he wished for millions of dollars that I wasted on comedy training.

Big Mike: It isn’t a waste on someone like you, you genius ziggurat.

The 404s: So do you have any more questions you insatiable dragon pimp?

Big Mike: I think I’m good now. Thank you for your time you unsinkable comedy czarina.

The 404s: You’re welcome Big Mike!
You can check out The 404s at Anime North all weekend.  Check out the FB event page for all the details!

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